Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Valborg 2014

While the rest of Lund, and the other thousands of visitors to this little city, were at Lunds Stadsparken...

...I had decided that I wasn't super excited about being around all that craziness this year, so I spent the day at my favorite cafe in the middle of Lund looking for jobs and internships for after graduation, then Alex joined me on his lunch break. Afterwards, we walked around Lund checking out different camera stores and when he had to go back to work I picked up a salad at one of my favorite lunch spots, took it to-go, and found a perfect sunny spot to finish it up before going back to my favorite cafe to send off one more application before biking home. 

Then, a couple hours ago, Alex and I decided that we should celebrate Valborg properly so we picked up some sausages and water melon then put together our new grill and had a proper BBQ. It only took us about 45 minutes to finally get the coals hot enough to actually be able to heat up the sausages, but I'd still call it a success!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring is here!

After working day and night, week after week I finally completed a draft of my thesis to send to my advisor, so on Friday night at 10pm I sent it off! Now, as I oh so patiently wait for his feedback, I have replaced nearly all of my hours of writing and research with sunbathing. Lund has been having amazing spring weather and I'm going to make sure to take advantage of it for as long as it lasts!

My partner in crime getting a little excited about all the tulips.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend

Saturday's Easter lunch at my boss's house with her half English-half French daughters, two Americans, one half Swede-half South American, and an Icelandic family.

After an Easter lunch in the countryside, we went home, I whipped up a green bean casserole, and then joined Alex's mom and grandpa for an Easter dinner of Swedish meatballs, prinskorvar, potato salad, bread, hard-boiled eggs, and plenty of sill.

Today was another beautifully sunny day. After some thesis work in the morning, Alex, Aila, and I went for a walk around the farmland near our house.

Listen to meeeee!

Lilla Aila and a little foal!

Taking a rest in the field after running around so much

Wednesday, April 16, 2014