Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dinner Date Failure

Tuesday night I invited Carla, Riccardo, and Fernando over for a dinner party. Well, I actually requested that the Italian guys cook us an amazing Italian dinner in exchange for the venue and dessert. However, I think this night was doomed from the start. I have never messed up while baking as much as I did Tuesday night. I cannot even begin to describe the disaster that happened. After my Plan B also failed Riccardo and Fernando arrived to begin cooking, and of course, as I am learning Italians do, they argued the entire time. Our meal ended up being, as Riccardo put it, "shit."Though Carla and I tried to smile and fake satisfaction at first.

Carla and I tried to turn the cannelloni into enchiladas and added more parmesan in the hopes of rescuing them, but our attempts were futile. Fernando has promised to redeem himself next week, but I am still slightly nervous.

The mess Fernando made of my kitchen while trying to revive the failed bechamel.

Adorable in our aprons! 

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