Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dinner Date Failure

Tuesday night I invited Carla, Riccardo, and Fernando over for a dinner party. Well, I actually requested that the Italian guys cook us an amazing Italian dinner in exchange for the venue and dessert. However, I think this night was doomed from the start. I have never messed up while baking as much as I did Tuesday night. I cannot even begin to describe the disaster that happened. After my Plan B also failed Riccardo and Fernando arrived to begin cooking, and of course, as I am learning Italians do, they argued the entire time. Our meal ended up being, as Riccardo put it, "shit."Though Carla and I tried to smile and fake satisfaction at first.

Carla and I tried to turn the cannelloni into enchiladas and added more parmesan in the hopes of rescuing them, but our attempts were futile. Fernando has promised to redeem himself next week, but I am still slightly nervous.

The mess Fernando made of my kitchen while trying to revive the failed bechamel.

Adorable in our aprons! 

Last Day of Class

Last Thursday I had my last day with everyone from the Human Ecology program. This week we all started different classes and went our separate ways. I was actually kind of emotional about it since I may never see some of these people again. But we and the rest of the members of "the best group ever" celebrated our hard work and months of research with a final, slightly more formal, family photo after our presentation, and I have a feeling I will definitely being see more of them in the future.

We also attempted a class photo but it didn't go so well...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Best Group Ever

Commemorating our last group meeting together ever the afternoon before our presentation...

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Wednesday night I played hostess to Gunnhild (from the Faroe Islands), her sister, mom, daughter and Jerome (the Netherlands). I wanted to try out a recipe for pumpkin risotto but I really needed a whole family to serve for the size of the recipe, so I made a temporary one for the night. Also on the menu was caprese salad and Jerome's grandpa's homemade berry wine. Little Fia Ly and I preferred our apple juice juiceboxes though.

Tulips from Gunnhild's sister Sanna...

My favorite 2 year old! Gunnhild's daughter Fia Ly...

The aftermath...

This week I also decided to have a backup plan in case I can't find an internship in Europe next fall semester, so I applied for exchange at the University of Helsinki and the University of Oslo. Although I was much more interested in the classes at Helsinki, I decided that I'd rather live in Oslo so I made it my first choice. I have to wait seven weeks to find out if I get nominated.

University of Oslo

University of Helsinki

Saturday night I went to Inga's housewarming party...

Ricarda, Inga, Jerome, and Liene enjoying organic Danish carrots, and me with a See's butterscotch sucker

Today was my first day meeting Leo to start our English tutoring lessons. Leo's dad, Mikael, was one of my professors and says that the family will be spending next year abroad in an English speaking country so he wants to supplement his school's English lessons with some one-on-one tutoring. 

This is seriously an over-achieving family. Leo is only ten and he is performing with the Malmö Opera next week, he plays the string bass, and before I got there for our meeting he had already had a piano lesson that morning. I think it is going to be a lot of fun teaching him. The cutest part was when I was trying to teach him something and I said, "Is it A or B?" and he said, "Yes." So I actually did use my limited knowledge of Swedish to clarify some of the terms and concepts for him so he could finally answer that is was A, not B.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Malmö's Western Harbor

Today I went on a tour of Malmö's Western Harbor which has been deemed Sweden's sustainable urban showcase. It was a beautiful neighborhood and I had an amazing afternoon walking along the Baltic Sea in the sun. Perhaps the best part of the day though was getting to play with Gunnhild's adorable daughter, Fia Ly.

Here are some pictures Idil took today...

Perhaps the cutest kid in the world

Fia Ly deciding if she trusts me or not

One of the homes in the Western Harbor

Me and Idil celebrating the sunlight at the Baltic Sea

My arms got quite a workout today

We ended the tour with a fancy fika at a super cute cafe near Malmö's central station.

Super fresh focaccia sandwich with ham, tomato, Dijon, and cheese with a cappuccino cake shared by me and Idil

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cottage Trip

Our cottage in Bjäre

Me and Inga (from Finland)

Hiking at Hovs Hallar. There was a long discussion by the Finns about what Hovs Hallar could mean, but they remained undecided. 

The snow had frozen over much of the hiking trail which the whole walk very precarious. I fell and landed on my butt. Still have a black and purple bruise a week later.

View from above...with Jerome (The Netherlands), Inga and Tuomo (from Finland), and Signe (USA)

Frozen seawater at the rocky shore

Frozen waterfall

The beach

Mom and baby goat checking out the view

Our location at Hovs Hallar

Exploring the nature reserve near Båstad

Gray sky and tall trees at the reserve