Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday Night Dinner

Wednesday night was Idil's boyfriend's last night in Sweden, so since I couldn't NOT make him (and the other new members of the enchilada fan club) enchiladas one more time Tuesday night I invited some friends over for a repeat. These are the results...

Enchiladaaaaaas with homemade (super spicy) enchilada sauce

Meryem and Gokhan

Dinner is served

Very romantic

The beginning of their practical joke on me


After dinner we started talking about Gokhan's fortune telling ability and some Turkish superstitions and Idil mentions that there is this one website she knows that somehow just knows everything about you. Obviously skeptical, I ask them to show me. The website works by submitting a question and then  receiving an answer. So they start asking questions on the site and everything is coming up correct. I start freaking out but say, "No, it must somehow be going through my search history or using my Facebook account--something--this cannot be real!" Then really strange things start to happen.

When I get an answer basically telling me that a Jinn, a sort of Islamic spirit, is now intervening, I start to get super nervous. I'm having this existential crisis where I begin to doubt my belief in science and consider the possibility of a spiritual world. Then Mehreen takes the computer, and as I'm yelling over her shoulder that this is a horrible idea, she writes that the spirit should prove it's existence. The response is that a cup will fall in the kitchen. And not five seconds later a cup falls. I am losing it at this point, yelling at them for bringing a Jinn into my house. Everyone else is acting very scared and nervous too.

After almost two hours of this, Mehreen finally tells me that is was all a joke! Idil walks in the room and I tackle her on the bed screaming, "I hate you guys!" over and over again. So apparently everyone was in on this whole joke and terrified me into believing in these Islamic spirits. While I don't know if I have ever felt so much anxiety in my whole life, I have to admit they did a pretty good job.

The cup falling is really what got me...sneaky Idil.

Most important lesson learned:

  • My friends are really good liars

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