Friday, September 28, 2012

Slowly Becoming Normal

I have been getting more into my academic routine in the past week. My research group and I have made some great progress on the Iceland project and I've even been emailing with the Head of Information from the Ministry for the Environment in Iceland.

On Thursday I volunteered for a study for the Literature and Language Department. It's the one time where being a monolingual English speaker was actually an advantage! However, I hope I won't be forever. Although I'm not really sure how the researcher is going to use the data I got a free movie ticket for participating! And since a movie ticket costs about $15 here in Sweden that was actually a really good use of 30 minutes.

Like the rest of the week, Friday has been a very studious day. However I did take some time to saunter through the city and do some shopping. And good news, I finally bought a hair dryer! I realized my situation was desperate when I was going to the gym just so I could dry my hair, so I gave in today and spent $50 so I wouldn't have to worry about coordinating my activities around how long it takes my hair to dry.

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