Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Figuring things out

So now in our corridor we have Heneen from Jordan, Mehreen from Pakistan, Lina from Russia, Prudence from Zambia, Jake from Russia and the last guy is not here yet.

I had Swedish class again today and had a big lesson on verbs. I do feel like I am learning a lot but using Babbel before moving here helped a lot too. I often get mistaken for a Swede in stores and have had several people tell me that I look Eastern European, like a Russian girl or something. I don't know what this means but there you go.

Today I also went with some friends to the Taste of Sweden event, where we got to try a few different kinds of typical Swedish food. Some of it was great and some of it was really, really bad.

Swedish pancake with strawberry cream and jam.

Swedish yellow pea soup with mustard. My favorite!

Typical Swedish breakfast

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