Thursday, August 30, 2012


Today I met up with a girl, who happens to be from UC Santa Cruz and who is also now getting her Masters at Lund, to head to Malmö to visit the Immigration Office. We left a little later than planned and got to the Immigration Office a little later than planned so there was already quite a line. We had to wait in a series of lines for about an hour and a half before we could be seen. When my turn finally came the whole process took about three minutes. After the longer than expected traveling time and wait time, I realized that I was already going to be at least an hour late to my Swedish class. Luckily we are allowed to miss one class to still be able to get the certificate of completion. Because the wait took so long at the Immigration Office our bus tickets expired and instead of buying new ones we walked about 20-30 minutes through the city to get back to the train station to get back to Lund. It was a LONG morning.

Traveling to Malmö finally made me realize why everyone says that Sweden is such an expensive place to live. For a 10 minute bus ride I had to pay about $7 each way, and the machine I used was broken so I was lucky enough to pay for three rides today--but don't worry if I go back and show them my bank info showing that I was charged twice I can get a refund. But I'd have to ride the train over there and show them that. In addition the the expensive train rides the food and drinks were also quite expensive. I was excited to find a Starbucks, but not so excited when I realized that the drink I like to order was $7 and that the box of macaroni and cheese I found was $5. Other things I found but didn't buy because of the price were Heinz baked beans ($7), Lays ranch dip ($8), and a can of refried beans ($5).

Even though I am very frustrated by today's trip I know that one of the biggest logistical hurdles is now out of the way. Now if I could only figure out how to pay my rent...

Malmö Centralstation

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Figuring things out

So now in our corridor we have Heneen from Jordan, Mehreen from Pakistan, Lina from Russia, Prudence from Zambia, Jake from Russia and the last guy is not here yet.

I had Swedish class again today and had a big lesson on verbs. I do feel like I am learning a lot but using Babbel before moving here helped a lot too. I often get mistaken for a Swede in stores and have had several people tell me that I look Eastern European, like a Russian girl or something. I don't know what this means but there you go.

Today I also went with some friends to the Taste of Sweden event, where we got to try a few different kinds of typical Swedish food. Some of it was great and some of it was really, really bad.

Swedish pancake with strawberry cream and jam.

Swedish yellow pea soup with mustard. My favorite!

Typical Swedish breakfast

Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 2

Today I had my third class of ISLA (Intro to Swedish Language and Culture) and liearned a little more about Swedish grammar. Our teacher has what's called a Skanian accent, so he pronounces his r's with a more guttural tone. I think that the Stockholm accent is a lot nicer sounding but he is still a good teacher--and VERY Swedish.

After Swedish class I got ready for the scholarship ceremony, which is for all Swedish Institute and Lund University Global Scholars. It was a really great event where we got to meet the vice chancellor of the university and some of the donors for the scholarships. It was a really cool experience and made me feel really honored to be part of such a talented group of people. Afterwards we took a few group pictures with the entire group and the vice chancellor. I found the following embarrassing photos on the Lund University Facebook page when I got home.

The "raise your hands" picture.
L to R: Mehreen, Me, Vice Chancellor

The jumping picture.

Fun Fact: In 1882 the chain that the chancellor is wearing was given by the Swedish king to the current chancellor.

FYI Things that I am dying for:
  • Enchilada sauce
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Refried beans

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Weekend

Sorry I haven't posted in a couple days!

Friday during the day I went on the school organized trip to Ikea. I shopped around with my friend from the Netherlands and this girl from Russia that we met. It was a very productive trip and I was super impressed with the super Swedish Ikea. It was twice the size of any Ikea I've been in. Anyway, after finishing shopping we didn't make it in time and the bus left without us. It was also raining at this time. It was quite a dilemma but luckily we were able to catch a later ride from the university. I was extremely exhausted but found some energy to put my room together and it is now really cute!

I spent Saturday just trying to relax. I have been so busy that I haven't been able to enjoy the city as much as I want to. After a leisurely morning I met my German friend for a real Swedish fika, which was pretty delicious. Later that night I met up with the Scottish girls and we went out to a Nation. It was...alright. I don't think it is the nation I will be joining.  :) We still had a good time going out though.

Today was also a slow day but it was nice. I took a tour of the Lund cathedral with a girl I met that is also in the Human Ecology program. It was so strange to be in a building that was built so long ago (the cathedral was finished in 1140, I believe).

Thursday, August 23, 2012


I had a Swedish cinnamon bun today for the first time. I can't even explain to you how delicious it was.

Here is a picture of one for you to admire.

I have also joined a great gym in town today with a great student discount to balance my new love of kanelbullen. And, it just so happens that the building where I have most of my classes is right in between the shop that sells the cinnamon buns and the gym.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

View from my window

The longest day of my life

I am so exhausted so I am going to try and shorten this as much as possible.

So my day started with the accidental 3am wake up, after which I did eventually get a couple hours of sleep. I then woke up and started on my to-do list. After about two hours of walking and errands I came up and finally discovered where the mail boxes are. In my mail box was the slip from the local post office saying where I could come pick up my package. Even though I had a meeting in an hour I decided to go to the post office and somehow get my 70lbs of stuff back to my apartment. After getting lost several times I found the post office. Both me and the attendant knew that it would be impossible for me to carry my packages and even getting a taxi to this location would be difficult. So I asked if I could borrow a dolly. She, being a polite Swede, let me take one of their carts so that I could transport everything. So I walked the whole way back to my place like a mule pulling a wagon. Slightly embarrassing. However, I now have my stuff! After that even more crazy running around and getting lost and finding friends happened. It has been a super long day and even though I still don't have a towel, sheets, or a pillow at least I have my blanket and can go to sleep a little more comfortably tonight. I just hope I stay asleep past 3.
I have not slept in a while. Last night around midnight (here) I finally fell asleep. I woke up and checked my clocks. I didn't have internet or cell service so the time on my phone and computer wasn't right. I found my watch and saw that it was almost 8am so I thought I'd get up and shower to start my day. After showering and getting dressed I realized that I read my watch upside down so it was actually only 3 in the morning. I felt like an idiot. I finally took a sleeping pill and then really did wake up at 8am and then started my day in a super rainy Lund.

Extra points:

  • I finally have internet in my room!
  • I need to buy a bike today.
  • Cashiers keep talking to me in Swedish and then realizing I have no idea what they are saying. At least I look like a Swede.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Traveling to Lund was pretty crazy, not to mention full of sad good-byes. But I'm here now! 

Lund is so pretty I feel like I'm in a theme park. There is a ton to do but I have emptied my suitcase and carry-ons and have started to put things into place. I have a pretty big room and share the corridor with a girls from Russia, Pakistan, Jordan, somewhere I forget?? and a guy from Glendale, CA! We are all masters students. There is some other guy apparently but I haven't met him. I've also met a bunch of girls in my building from Scotland and The Netherlands. Hopefully I will be figuring out more of the city with them soon.

Also, I have not been able to get my bedding together so tonight this is what I will sleep on:

Monday, August 20, 2012


Today is the day I leave the United States to move to Sweden--not vacation in Sweden, not study abroad in Sweden, but actually move there for around 10 months. I still can't really believe that I'm going. Even though I am pretty terrified at the idea of traveling by myself and moving across the planet (not to mention living in the snow!) I am also excited.

So wish me luck!