Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Flooded NYC subway. Three guys broke in and took this picture.

The size of Sandy compared to Europe.

In West Virginia the rain turns into heavy snow.

Ground Zero getting flooded with sea water.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Presentation Anxiety

So I have been working on this big research project about Iceland's climate change strategy since September and we were assigned by the Program Director to present our research tomorrow at 4:15. This is not a little assignment as we will be speaking for nearly two hours while also being educational and entertaining.

However, Friday afternoon, the Program Coordinator emailed the program saying that our schedule for that day should end at 4:00, not 6:00 like it would if my group was presenting. While we were able to email her explaining this issue, the director, like most Swedes, has been avoiding his office email all weekend, and is, as of 9:25pm tonight, still unavailable.

So now, we have this huge project and we don't know if we are presenting tomorrow or not. Two months of research to explain, professional outfits to wear, and hair to tame and it could be all for nothing. It feels a bit like preparing for Christmas to come, but not knowing if Santa will have dropped off the presents by the time you wake up, or if he has one more day of traveling to do.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Milestones of Today

Today me and my partners had a dry run of our presentation, complete with a working lunch. We shared a fresh, crusty baguette with butter, mashed potatoes, crispy salmon cakes, and apple turnovers. The meeting was both productive and delicious.

I also cancelled my housing contract for my student corridor. In about a month, I will be moving into a completely renovated, two bedroom apartment right in the city center with another Human Ecology student.

I also finally applied for my Swedish personal number. I don't exactly know what it is but it gives me more rights as a resident in Sweden, even though I already have my residence permit card.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I saw falling snowflakes today! I was out running errands and a few snowflakes, not raindrops, started falling. Swedish fall really is here!

Apparently this is what I have to look forward to:

The main square in Lund covered in snow.

Great success!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Lund University main building lit in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Söderåsen National Park

Today I went to Söderåsen National Park. After a short train ride and bus trip we arrived. We decided on a 7km trail through the rift valley, which the nature guide said was a must-see if we hadn't been there before. 


Natural spring, complete with ladle for easy drinking. I filled up a bottle and had it with dinner after the hike. Risotto, spring water, and the applemust that I bought on Friday.

Territory demarcation from the Iron Age in the valley.

Up on the ridge.


Me at the top.

Fall in a Swedish beech forest.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Leisurely Friday

I ended up studying right through lunch today so I decided to replace it with a decadent fika in the afternoon.

Kaffebrod, grapes, strawberries, dried apricots, brie and crackers, and Earl Grey.

Today also marks my first trip to System Bolaget (the state run alcohol store) since I have been in Sweden. 

Apple wine with cinnamon and vanilla; can be served hot or cold.

Although I know that TetraPak is a Swedish company, the fact that you can even buy wine in that packaging makes me think that they are a little obsessed. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Berets and Baguettes

I find it really amusing that people here actually wear berets. It's mostly senior citizens and middle-aged guys that look like they write poetry or excel at math like in A Beautiful Mind, but it's still pretty funny to see.

One of my favorite things to do here in Lund is to walk over to the local market which happens to have an excellent bakery. I pick up a fresh mini-baguette, let the brie get a little soft, slice an apple--and occasionally add a cafe mocha. It makes for a perfect afternoon break.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Cultural Similarities and Cultural Differences

Today I discovered that construction workers are the same all over the world. I was walking to class and there was a girl in some skin tight pants in front of me. A construction worker watched the girl as she walked past him and then turned to his other construction worker friend, smirked, and said, "Oh, yeah," or maybe it was, "Oh, ja."

In other news, the Swedes are apparently so antisocial that they need to be taught how to make small talk with their neighbors. Check it out here.